Comms365 offers specialist Remote Management System Licences (RMS) for its range of Teltonika Routers.
Teltonika RMS licences can be purchase as a single credit that can be used on one device for one month. Alternatively, larger Credit bundles are available for larger estates or where month on month access is required.
Access is via a Download Code that is generated by Comms365 upon receipt of payment.
For Teltonika Remote Management System Licences (RMS), you can try before you buy by setting up an RMS account on the Teltonika website (Link below). Once you have tried the service, you can buy credits via Comms365 and add them to your account via the provided code.
Download the Overview flyer here: Teltonika RMS Flyer
Access the Teltonika Portal Here: Teltonika RMS Portal
The RMS system is a perfect accompliment to your Teltonika investment, providing useful diagnostic, management tools and direct access to your router estate.